**Okay, since Vegeta and Hiei are currently in different countries,
they had to talk through MSN, and good thing, just imagine what would have happened if they met in person... Also, Hiei's
current captor Nia, joined us for the conversation!**
Nia: Hey, ask Vegeta if he wants to speak with Hiei, he's
with me right now. (he lost a bet) PerfectCell17: 'Kay, I'll ask... He's being an ass right now! Nia: So is Hiei.
*hits Hiei with blunt object* DON'T CALL ME A BITCH! Vegeta: *growls* PerfectCell17: Yay! Nia: 'Kay, here he is.
Hiei: Hn, so you got stuck with a damn fan girl too. Nia: I'm not a fan girl, you just lost a bet! You looked bored.
Hiei: So your making me talk to some freak. Nia: I'M TRYING TO BE HOSPITABLE DAMMIT!!! Vegeta: Hmph, I am NOT a
freak! But I do agree about the damn fangirls part... Hiei: *tries to assassinate Nia, but fails* Damn bitch. Nia:
I'M NOT BITCH YOU ASS! *hits Hiei* PerfectCell17: Aren't these two moody? Nia: Yes. *glares at Hiei* Vegeta: Hmph,
I am NOT moody! That midgit *ponits to Hiei* might be, but I am not. PerfectCell17: You really have no right to call Hiei
a midgit... Vegeta: *glares* Damn women. Hiei: Hn. At least I don't wear pink. Vegeta: Hmph, the funny thing is I
still looked more manly then you do! Hiei: I'll make you regret those words, pathetic ningen! Vegeta: Ha, you dare threaten
the almighty Saiyan Prince?! The most feared warrior in the universe?! Don't make me laugh! PerfectCell17: Ego trip...
*sweatdops* Nia: What have we done... Hiei: Hn. I've slayed milllions of these pathetic beings and can easily beat you.
Don't make ME laugh. Vegeta: *glares* Don't tell me you're proud of killing a few humans?! How sad! Hiei: Hn. I'm a
more EVOLVED being you, pathetic simion. Vegeta: Hmph, you don't look very evolved, besides, I am more superior to you
KICK YOUR ASS ANYDAY! Nia: *sighs* PerfectCell17: These two are impossible.... Vegeta: Hmph, you talk big for
such a small person! And I bet you couldn't even kick their asses! *points to PerfectCell17 and Nia* Hiei: Hn. I bet I
can. Nia: *laughs uncontrolably* Hiei: Bitch. Nia: *slaps Hiei* Hiei: Hn. Vegeta: Sure, you can talk all you
want, but words mean nothing! PerfectCell17: *starts laughing too* Hiei: I'll make a bet with you. Vegeta:
Hmph, what kind of bet? Hiei: If you can beat your 'Captor' before me, I will be your lacky for the rest of my life, and
vice versa *evil smirk* Vegeta: *smirks* Okay, you're obviously not very good at bets, considering where you are. Hiei:
Hn. Since you haven't learnt (knowing the simion you are) I have incredible speed and can be at your side in a second flat. Vegeta:
SAIYAN dammit! Hmph, and your speed is nothing compared to mine! Hiei: I BET SIMION!!! Nia: I take it 'simion' is your
new fave word. PerfectCell17: *giggles* Hiei: *anime vein* Vegeta: Damn, I guess you trolls, or whatever the hell
you are, aren't very smart, atleast not smart enough to say Saiyan! Hiei: Hn. I'm only speaking so YOU CAN UNDERSTAND ME
INSOLENT FOOL! PerfectCell17: *lmao* Damn, these guys are very amusing!! Hiei: Wait till I slit your throat. Vegeta:
Hmph, you're all talk, aren't you troll?! PerfectCell17: *sticks out tongus at Hiei* PerfectCell17: Tongue** Hiei:
Hn. Can't even type right. Take back that tounge before I cut it off baka onna. PerfectCell17: One damn error, so what?!
And I'll stick my tongue out at you if I want to! Hiei: You're sure about that? *reveals Katana enough to reflect next
victim a.k.a PerfectCell17* PerfectCell17: Hmph, I'm not scared! Vegeta: Sure you're not.... PerfectCell17: *glares
at Vegeta and Hiei* Nia: Don't we feel the love? PerfectCell17: I know....*sweatdrop* Hiei: *glares* Vegeta: Hmph,
of course the troll would rather attack the girl, than a real warrior like me! PerfectCell17: Hmph! Hiei: Looks who
talkin', monkey boy. Vegeta: Damn troll, and I'm not the one going around picking fights with weaklings! PerfectCell17:
Hey, I'm not weak, dammit! Hiei: Hn. Don't flatter yourself. YOU'RE WEAKER THAN WEAK! PerfectCell17: Hmph, I'm not weak,
I could kick your ass! Vegeta: Uh huh.... Hiei: I was talkin' about monkey boy over there. *points to Vegeta* Vegeta:
WHAT?! I could easily take care of you! Hiei: THEN PROVE IT!!! Vegeta: *turns Super Saiyan* Any time, troll! Nia:
You're gonna fight on the internet? Vegeta: Hmph, good point. *returns to normal* You got lucky troll! Hiei: Like wise,
simion. Nia: Okay....so Vegeta? *evil grin* You never responded to my letter. Vegeta: *glares* That was you?!? Nia:
Yep! Vegeta: *to Hiei* Kill that bitch, will you? Hiei: What? Can't do it yourself, simion? Nia: I outta kick your
'softy' ass for callin' me that! Vegeta: SAIYAN, dammit troll! And if you had half a brain you'd know I couldn't do it
from here! Vegeta: Hmph, you can't harm me, girl! Nia: Lucky you're in Canada right now. Vegeta: Lucky for you, that
is. Nia: *sarcasticly* Please spare me. Vegeta: Damn women, don't know anything. PerfectCell17: *glares* Nia:
Why don't you go make yourself useful, like cooking. >:] PerfectCell17: Yay! *turns on cooking song* Vegeta: *blasts
CD player* Hmph, do NOT mock the song ,girl! Hiei: I bet your cooking is shit. Vegeta: That's because I'm a warrior,
not a chef, troll. I don't have time for women's work, because I, unlike you have better things to do! Nia: Hey Veggie.
Took a shower lately? I can smell you from here. PerfectCell17: Hehehe Hiei: Then explain the song. *Reads Veggie's
thoughts* You know you like to cook. Nia: If you want. I have some spare mayonaise. Vegeta: Hmph, not that's it's any
of your business, but cooking relaxes me, that is, when I'm not training! *narrows eyes* Ha ha, very funny, girl. Hiei: Sissy. Nia: I bet singing calms
you too, stinky. Vegeta: Hmph, I am an elite fighter, and a pretty damn good cook, that makes two things I'm better than
you in, troll. Vegeta: And I am not 'stinky', I happen to shower everyday! Nia: I bet. Vegeta: Hmph. Nia: So Vegeta.
Where's your bad man shirt? Vegeta: Hmph, I don't know what the hell the woman did with it! *smirks* Why, you going to
give it to the troll? Nia: No. I just wanted to change 'Bad Man' to 'Pink Sissy'. Vegeta: *smirks* Why give me shirt
that describes troll boy? Nia: The only 'bad' thing about you is your breath. Vegeta: *glares* Hiei: For once I agree
with the baka onna. *smirks* PerfectCell17: *laughing* Nia: Woah. Two REALLY big egos here. PerfectCell17: Yup! Vegeta:
Hmph, that troll's ego is bigger than he is. Nia: And I bet Trunks was taller than you when he was a newborn. Hiei:
He can't reach an ego. PerfectCell17: *giggles* Nia: *snickers* Vegeta: Hmph, I'm taller than you! PerfectCell17:
How in the hell would you know that?! Vegeta: .... Nia: Wow. You finally shut him up. PerfectCell17: Yay! Vegeta:
What do you mean 'finally'?! Nia: Damn. Hiei: Once again I agree with her. Vegeta: Hmph! PerfectCell17: Ha ha!
Veggie's speachless! Vegeta: Who's side are you, girl?! PerfectCell17: None ^_^ Nia: Ha. Vegeta: I'm not 'speachless',
I just don't find any reason to continue wasting my time talking to you bakas! Nia: Then why did you talk to us in the
first place. You can't even beat Kakorot without Bulma stopping you. Face it! You're too soft Veggie. Vegeta: The damn
girl made me talk *glares at PerfectCell17* And the woman's not the only reason I don't kill Kakarot, he's the only decent
competition around! Hiei: You can't even defend yourself against a baka onna. Vegeta: Hmph, the woman can do nothing
to me! And like I said, I keep the baka around to train with, since *smirks* he's the only person on this damn planet who
can even come close to matching my power! PerfectCell17: *sweatdops* He got his ego back.... Nia: Hiei. What have you
done? Hiei:What? I got bored and needed a challenge. Vegeta: Hmph, of course I'd be a challenge to you, but you would
hardly be one for me! Hiei:I didn't say you were a challenge. I only said I needed one and you are none whatsoever. Vegeta:
Hmph, of course, you wouldn't admit my superiority, even though you know it. PerfectCell17: He confuses me somtimes...
*picture of Vegeta as a sand mermaid gets put up* Nia: *lol* Vegeta's a mermaid. Vegeta: Hmph! *glares at picture*
The damn brats! PerfectCell17: Hehehe! I lost my really cute Hiei picture. :( Hiei: I'm not cute...*glares* Nia:
Awww! You look so purty Vegeta. PerfectCell17: *to Hiei* Yes you are, very much so! ^__^ Vegeta: I am NOT 'purty'! I
am manly handsome! *Picture of chibi Hiei gets put up* Nia: *laughs uncontrollably* Hiei: What the fuck?! PerfectCell17:
Yay! ^_^ Nia: I have this picture. PerfectCell17: I love it, but it's still not the one I want. *Chibi Vegeta pick
gets put up* Nia: Awwww...*evil smirk* Vegeta: What the fuck is your girls fascination with pictures of me?! PerfectCell17:
Not just you, Hiei too! ^_^ Nia: We just like to taunt you. Hiei: *sarcastically* Boy do I feel loved... PerfectCell17:
Well ya should, demon boy! Vegeta: *referring to PerfectCell17* Damn girls on a cafene high, but atleast the troll's getting
bugged by her and not me. Hiei: *glares* PerfectCell17: *smiles at Hiei* Vegeta: *smirks* *sends picture of Vegeta
as a Sailor Scout* Nia: Did you get it? PerfectCell17: *laughing* Vegeta: Hmph, damn demented fans! Hiei: *smirks* Nia:
I dunno Vegeta...you look good in a skirt. *smirks evilly* Vegeta: What are you smirking at troll boy?! Hmph, damn halloween....damn
woman... PerfectCell17: I think Hiei would look better in a skirt.... Hiei: *glares* PerfectCell17: It's true, Hiei-chan!
^_^ But Veggie does look pretty 'cute' Vegeta: *glares* NOT cute! Nia: And Veggie looks 'cute' in pink. Hiei: *growls*
Insolent wench! *glares at Nia* Nia: Damn bastard. *Socks Hiei* Hiei: Bitch! *Smacks Nia* Nia and Hiei: *fighting* Vegeta:
Hmph, atleast I still look manly in it! Unlike troll, who can't make anything look manly! PerfectCell17: Go Nia!! Vegeta:
Hmph, go troll. PerfectCell17: You want Hiei to win?! Vegeta: Better than the bitch! Nia: WELL AT LEAST I'M NOT GAY,
PINKIE!!! Vegeta: Hmph, I'm married to a WOMAN, how can I be gay? *sends picture of Kakarot combing Vegeta's hair* PerfectCell17:
*laughing* Vegeta: Hmph, that means nothing! Nia: Do I need to say more? Vegeta: Hmph, so the baka combed my hair,
so what?! Nia: *cough* fag *cough* PerfectCell17: Hehehe Vegeta: WHAT?! You should be saying that to the damn troll! Nia:
I'm gonna be nice this once Vegeta. Here's a picture of you defeating Kakowot. *snickers* *sends picture of Vegeta flushing
Kakarot down the toilet* Vegeta: What?! I was a child! I thought that was where the other dimension was... Hiei: *sarcastically*
Boy what an elite you are. *puts Kurama x Hiei picture up* Hiei: What the fuck?! Vegeta: You were saying, troll?
*smirks* Hiei: Hn. At least I don't crossdress. Vegeta: It was halloween dammit, and I had alittle too much to drink,
so what?! *sends very amusing Hiei picture* Nia: Whoops wrong button. PerfectCell17: Hehehe, Hiei looks so cute!
^_^ Hiei: Bitch! How dare you mock me! *glares at Nia* PerfectCell17: *laughing* Nia: Don't call me a bitch, you
son of a bitch, fuckin bastard I'll kick your ass! You piece of shit! Hiei: If you can reach it! PerfectCell17: You
tell 'im, Nia! Nia: *takes out katana and attacks Hiei* Yami Bakura: They will only be a minute. PerfectCell17: Yayay,
Bakura-chan! Nia: *while slicing Hiei* What the fuck? Where did you come from? Vegeta: Great, another one.... Yami
Bakura:* Your mother wanted me to make sure you don't kill Hiei, but I'm enjoying this too much to stop you. Nia: *Still
beatin Hiei's ass* Bitch I don't need a fuckin' babysitter. Yami Bakura: I know. I'm jus here for da show. *grins* PerfectCell17:
*laughs* Vegeta: *looks at Yami Bakura* Atleast this one looks normal... Yami Bakura: What the fuck is that supposed
to mean shrimp? *puts up another Hiei x Kurama picture* Hiei: What the fuck! GET RID OF THAT PICTURE! DAMN FANS! Vegeta:
*referring to Bakura* I guess I was wrong, whitie is just as fucked up. PerfectCell17: *to Hiei* Make me! *sticks out tongue* Yami
Bakura: *to Veggie* You're the one to talk. Vegeta: Damn humans.... Naraku: Great. More conflict. *sarcastically* Vegeta:
There's no end! Nia: WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS COMMIN' FROM ANYWAYS?! Naraku: The front door. PerfectCell17: Bishie
heaven! ^_^ Vegeta: *rolls eyes* Nia: *glares* Ever heard of knocking? Naraku: ....Yeah so? PerfectCell17: Yayay!
Naraku! ^_^ Nia: *starts chasing all of the guys in her room with a BIG ASS sword* DAMMIT CAN'T I EVER HAVE ANY FUCKIN
SHIT OUT OF ALL OF YOU! PerfectCell17: You tell 'em! Yami Marik: I pity them. Nia: *eyes Yami Marik evilly* NOW YOU?!
*starts chasing him too* WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU MEN THESE MEN TODAY DAMMIT!!! PerfectCell17: Yay, I got Yami Mariks's
light side here, but he's locked i my closet! Yami Marik: Damn it! *runs around avoiding Nia's rage* PerfectCell17:
Run Yami Marik! ~Later~ *All the guys tied to chairs and gagged.* Nia: Now where were we? PerfectCell17: Is Hiei-chan
tied up with the others? Nia: Yep. *glares* Hiei: *curses through gag* Vegeta: *smirks* Serves the troll right! PerfectCell17:
Hmmmm *smirks evily at Vegeta* Nia: *Throws blunt object at Hiei* Pipe down! Vegeta: *smirks* See, even the bitch can
defeat the troll. PerfectCell17: Hehehe...Troll and simion. Nia: *glares at Vegeta* What did you call me punk? Vegeta:
TYPING TO AN INSOLENT MONKEY! Vegeta: Hmph, I would be more than happy to kick your sorry ass, but 1) It would be a waste
of time 2)The damn tri-breed won't let me leave. *glares at PerfectCell17* Nia: What's wrong Veggie? Can't control your
own actions, that you have to take orders from someone else. Vegeta: Hmph, I'm here for the same damn reason as the troll! Hiei:
*escapes and grabs Nia from behind* Nia: What the fuck?! Yami Bakura: Okay, I guess I'll explain whats going on....ouch!
Nia just kicked Hiei where the sun don't shine. Vegeta: Cheap shot, bitch. Hiei: *from background* BITCH! *dives at
Nia* Yami Bakura: Okay....now Nia and Hiei are in a sword fight......were her walls always red?: Yami Bakura: *grins
evilly* I'm starting to like this place PerfectCell17: Do you know who's winning, Baku-chan? Yami Bakura: Ummmmm...ouch...Nia.....wait
Hiei.....no Nia.....dammit.....too much blood......can't tell......*eye twitches* Did Hiei's back always crack like that? Vegeta:
*smirks* PerfectCell17: Yay blood! Mmm mmm good! ^_^ Yami Bakura: *eyes widen* Nia: *from background* YOU BASTARD!
YOU CUT OFF MY SHIRT! *plunges at Hiei* PerfectCell17 and Vegeta: O.o Yami Bakura: Ummmm.....I think I should break
this up before anything else is 'revealed' *tries to seperate Nia and Hiei* PerfectCell17: Good luck Baku-chan! ~Eventually~
Yami Bakura: Okay......Nia's back.....but Hiei won't be moving for a while....*looks at Nia* What did you do to him? Nia:
....I kicked his ass. *glares at Hiei* Vegeta: *laughing* The troll got beat by the bicth! Nia: YOU WANT SOME OF THIS
PUNK?! Vegeta: Bring it! Yami Bakura: Nia you should sit down. You bled too much....was your floor always red? Nia:
I DONT GIVE A DAMN! Yami Bakura and the others: *try to sit Nia down, but fail* Vegeta: Hmph, looks like the bitch is
tougher than all you weaklings! How sad, considering she wouldn't be able to touch me! Nia: OH YEAH YOU SAY THAT NOW SINCE
YOU'RE IN A DIFFERENT COUNTRY ASS!!! Vegeta: Hmph, unlike you, and the troll, I have no use for talk, I can back up my
actions! Nia: THEN COME TO THE U.S AND FIGHT ME BASTARD!!! Vegeta: Hmph, why should I waste my time going there? If
you're so damn sure, then come to Canada! PerfectCell17: Does anybody get along...? *sweatdrops* Nia: FINE! BUT THAT
PROVES YOU'RE TOO CHICKEN TO COME HERE YOURSELF ASS!! *gets up ignoring the others' pleads to sit down* Vegeta: Hmph, I
am not a chicken, I just don't have time to go to all my would be challengers! Yami Bakura: Dammit! Your too injured to
fight Nia! Just wait until you heal! I think you've killed Hiei. We don't need TWO murders in one night. PerfectCell17:
Poor Hiei-kun... Nia: Hmph. Yami Marik: No...Hiei's alive...... Yami Marik: I think.... PerfectCell17: Yayayayayay! Vegeta:
*smirks* Looks like I'll get to kill the troll after all. Nia: If you 'think' then why did you say he was alive dammit?! Yami
Marik: I ONLY SAID THAT SO YOU CAN CALM DOWN YOU FUCKIN BITCH! Yami Bakura: *slaps head* Now've you done it... Nia:
YOU FUCKIN BASTARD HOW DARE YOU CALL ME THAT?! *attacks Yami Marik* Vegeta: *smirks* Maybe the bitch will get killed this
time... Yami Bakura: Damn idiot....*sighs and shakes head* Vegeta: For once, whities right. Yami Bakura: *eyes widen*
Now I KNOW Yami Marik doesn't bend that way *sickening crack in background* PerfectCell17: Those poor bishies... Yami
Bakura: Ummmmmm....Nia.........I think you got him........*eye twitches* Nia: *glares at Yami Marik's knocked out body*
Punk. Vegeta: Damn, what weaklings! *Nia* Damn. I need a challenge. *mumbles* Me: I know how ya feel....all I have
is Veggie. Well, and Marik, but he's no challenge either. Naraku: It's 2:00am. We'd better retire to bed. *glances at Nia* Nia:
WE GO TO BED WHEN I SAY SO DAMMIT! Me: I think it's past Vegie's bed time.... Vegeta: *glares* *puts picture of Vegeta's
naked backside up* Nia: That's....um..................O.o Naraku and the others: *shields eyes* Vegeta: *smirks*
I do have a nice ass, though... Nia: .......fag. Vegeta: Hmph, damn bitch. Nia: INSOLENT FOOL! EVER HEARD OF SLIM
FAST?! Vegeta: *rolls eyes* Damned women....never ending jibber. *Picture of Ryou and Bakura gets put up* Yami Bakura:
You have to admit I'm WAYYYYYY better lookin' than my weaker half. *looks at Nia* Nia: I bet. *rolls eyes* PerfectCell17:
I think so! ^_^ Yami Bakura: *glares* Vegeta: Both whities are ugly! Yami Bakua* Son of a bitch! Naraku: ..... Vegeta:
Hmph, it's true! Nia: ....stupid bakas.....why do I waste my time on such idiotic men? Yami Bakura and Naraku: *glare
at Nia* PerfectCell17: The same reason I waste my time with Vegeta. Vegeta: *glares* Nia: What? You want a piece
of me punks? Yami Bakura and Naraku: Hmph. PerfectCell17: Go Nia! Yami Bakura* We'd better get going....*glances
at Nia* before any more of us gets hurt....*glares* PerfectCell17: *laughs* Nia: Hmph. Nia: Fine. *walks over to
Hiei who is KO-ed on her bed* Hey punk get off my bed your staining your pathetic blood all over it. *kicks Hiei* Hiei:
*groans and rolls over falling on the floor with a thud* Vegeta: *smirks* Yami Bakura and Naraku: *sweatdrop* PerfectCell17:
Wow, and to think this all started with us wanting Veggie and Hiei to talk....
**Hmmm, is it just me, or should these two
talk again?**